Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fun Stuff

We had some good fun stuff happen while in hospital.

We met the clown doctors, Dr's O-Oh yesterday. Ella was a bit freaked out by them - but they were generally very funny. Plus there is Captain Starlight - who runs the Starlight room and TV channel. Captain Starlight is a wonderful source of entertainment and movies to the kids, and is an excellent way of encouraging children to get better with a little fun in their day.

We had two lots of American sailors come and visit the hospital, and while Harrison didn't seem overly thrilled, I found it was VERY entertaining.. Hey I can look but not touch.

As part of the process in deciding how on earth Scott and I both carry ADA, we got asked many, many times if we were related. Apparently there are some cultures that marry first and second cousins, so the doctors have to ask, but as far as kissing cousins go - well most of my cousins are female anyway, and those that are not are FAR too young for my tastes!! ha ha. I do have to say though that I was seriously amazed how many times I was asked.

It has long been a running joke with one of my friends that I said I would marry a Scot. Meaning Scottish man - however apparently I was a little bit too literal and I have myself a Scott. I wouldn't change my Scott for the world, however, just in case - I have decided that next time I will be much more careful what I wish for !! :)

My lovely aunt also dobbed us in for a visit from our favourite NRL ( that's Rugby League) football team to visit. The mighty Parramatta Eels... I am awaiting pictures of this and will post them when I have them. They were lovely and were allowed to gown and mask and have a photo with Harrison in his room.

Not only did they visit but they presented Harrison with a fully signed football jersey - signed by the whole team. The guys that visited were Tim Smith, Ian Hindmarsh and Ben Smith. It was really awesome to have these guys visit, showing the lovely nature these guys have in putting something back into their community.

I am also owe a debt of gratitude to the Steve Waugh Foundation for providing a weekly massage service for caregivers and parents. I managed to have one a week ago, and after sleeping on the fold out bed in the ward this was pure bliss. It was the idea of this foundation to give something to the carers and keep them healthy as they do most of the work with their kids, and if they get sick then so do the kids.

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