Saturday, July 28, 2007

Transplant Day - 12th July 2007

The day arrives in the normal way - Harrison crying hungrily for a feed.

I message Scott on the phone to get Ella ready and we go up together with her to register for her day surgery. She was placed on the emergency list so we got there early so we didn't miss a window.

Lyn, the ward granny came today and sat with Harrison while Scott and I sat with Ella.

At 10 am I went up to feed Harrison on the ward, just after Ella was called in for surgery. Scott took her in and sat with her while she went off to sleep. I am very thankful that she did so without a fight. I am not sure Scott would have coped as well.

We then went and had a walk around until she was out in recovery. They told us an hour, Nearly two hours after she went in we got the callup!
She was out. Mum just arrived down from home in time to see her in recovery.

She slept for ages post surgery, but was so brave. There were two needle marks in her skin where they inserted needles for bone marrow harvest, but in the bones of her hips they actually collected for 4 or 5 sites each side.

She had pressure bandages across her back and was a little pale but otherwise okay. When Ella awoke properly she laid there drinking apple juice and then had some of her bottle to drink.

An hour later we were out of recovery and we took Ella down to our room for a bit of R n R until 4 pm when the doctors would see her and make sure she was safe to travel home post surgery.

2pm - We get a call to say that the bone marrow is on the ward and being prepared for transplant. It is amazing that it just looks like a blood transfusion bag, however has the very cells enclosed that Harrison needs for a chance at a normal life.

We were told that Ella's marrow was so cellular that they stored away some of the cells for a second transplant, if needed. It is wonderful to know that Ella was so truly well and that her count was excellent. It makes me hope for the best result with Harrison.

Then the transplant begins, and will take 4 hours to infuse into Harrison.

The little bag of cells contained about 90 mls of cells. Left Preparation below transplant in action.

Almost immediately after the transplant Harrison looked pinker in colour. The next day he seemed happier too.

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