Monday, August 27, 2007

This is the photo we are using for the fundraising. It reminds me every time I see it just how sick he was then and how careful we have to be not to get back to that. I also see how far he has come. He was sitting on my chest today while I laid on my back, and he was looking at me while I blew raspberries on his feet and then he'd crack up laughing. Such a gorgeous kid. How lucky I am to have him. And Scott has become so much more comfortable picking him up now too. He'll not worry so much about the central line anymore and grab him for a hug. I even got out a couple of times the last week - on my birthday no less!!

I am back off to hospital with Harrison this week. IVIG time again, and see the "cast of thousands" as I like to call it , when we get there. Harrison is doing pretty well, although I cannot keep food up to him , and seriously for the amount the little man has he should be at least double the size he is.

I started solids with him this week. Which makes no difference - except to the output of poos. They have increased too!!

I sat helping last weekend with our first fundraising raffle at the football. So many people there with babies in prams, and most of them bigger than Harrison yet half his age. I really thought he was holding his own in terms of looking his age, but I guess I am used to seeing what Harrison looks like now. He is still so little - my tiny man!! :)

But it makes me wonder at how much I took for granted before with the other kids. I put them in the pram walked around the streets and shops with them and never thought twice about it. Now it is careful planning or make a call to someone to get me something I am in short supply of. I cannot wait to be able to just go for a walk with Harrison in the pram and not worry that someone will sneeze on him and make him sick again.

and even though he has 10% of his cells showing as female cells there is no signs of immune function. He has been putting weight on at the expense of me feeding him 2 and a half hourly and it breaks my heart that I cannot take him with me every where I go - I hate leaving him behind. I also have found how bad I am at the moment emotionally. I find talking to strangers about him hard, and I really worry how he'll be long term. Those test results from the US have still got me in a knot. Luckily we do go back to hospital this week - I have a list of questions to ask the doctors when I get there.

Harrison will be six months old soon - and he is a little behind in his development. Being home may be driving me nuts - but I am thankful I am home. I have said bugger off to the housework - eventually the clothes will get put away - but for now I am enjoying the kids, and their new things they do - and them with Harrison, although they still want to pick him up, at least he is holding his head just slightly better which is enough that I can feel more comfy with them "having a turn" with Harrison ( or for those un-initiated with this "having a turn" it means having a cuddle). Such a great fight solver that one. All I say is who wants a turn of Harrison - Fighting all stops - well at least about the toy they were fighting over, because then its a tackle-a-thon to the lounge to see who gets a "turn" first!

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